His journey begins with you.

Once removed from our public lands, our iconic wild horses lose their freedoms and futures.

Give them a better future.

There are now over 60,000 formerly wild horses that have been captured and placed in government holding, indefinitely. Our mission is to make responsible ownership a reality, and sponsorship a path to life-changing experiences for you and our formerly wild horses.

  • Wild Horse Adoption

    Collaborative Adoption

    We walk every step together, from selection to transport, health, and training, until you’re ready to take your mustang home.

  • Horse Training by Henry Merrill

    Horse + Human Training

    Develop yourself alongside your mustang with world-class colt starter and natural horseman Henry Merrill and our network of skilled professionals.

  • Green pastures horse sanctuary

    Sanctuary Sponsorship

    Give a formerly wild horse the ultimate gift of freedom. Under your sponsorship, you can give a mustang back some of the life they’ve lost.

  • Save A Mustang Today

    Every donation helps AMP free a mustang from holding and set it on its way to a successful future through training and adoption. Please help us clear the corrals!

You can make a difference.

This is a movement of thousands. Whether you’re most comfortable contributing time to help achieve our mustang advocacy goals, money to bring more mustangs out of holding, or ready to take the next step toward ownership or sponsorship of a formerly wild horse, we need you on our team.

Without you, there’s nowhere to run for our wild horses.

Every year, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) rounds up tens of thousands of wild horses roaming freely on the lands federally designated for them. Once captured, they’re often held in confinement for the rest of their lives. 60,000 are already in holding as of 2023, with more than 20,000 targeted for capture in 2024.

From behind 6-foot fences, their only way out is to tell their incredible stories and capture the attention of the public.

Together, we can build a future for America’s living legends.

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